Renee Stopforth

More about Renee
Renee has been with the Amazing Spaces group for 15 years, initially starting off as a location consultant. Today she is our representative on the road, procuring our amazing locations for shoots, and most recently getting involved in our investment division. Renee has a BA from Rhodes University majoring in Drama and Sociology and is currently studying part-time through SACAP to obtain her counselling diploma. Renee is passionate about personal growth and in her spare time can often be found on a silent retreat or in a mediation circle somewhere fantastical. Renee’s is a committed mother and wife, and is partial to spending time with her daughter Hannah or indulging in Kirsten’s Ice cream!
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Streamline your home buying experience
Market & Opinion
Streamline your home buying experience
18 Mar 2024
Despite what many will have you believe, buying a home shouldn't feel like a daunting task despite the complexities and legalities involved. With careful preparation and consideration of the journey ahead, you can streamline the property-buying experience.
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Savvy home buyers can capitalise on the current interest rate cycle
Market & Opinion
Savvy home buyers can capitalise on the current interest rate cycle
18 Apr 2024
Buying the right kind of residential property in the right location and at the right time in an interest rate cycle, are key ingredients for extremely sound investment potential.
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What to do when your home has been on the market for a while
Market & Opinion
What to do when your home has been on the market for a while
02 May 2024
Selling a home can be a stressful and challenging process, especially when your property has been on the market for an extended period. However, there are several strategies you can employ to increase your chances of selling your home. 
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Navigating dual occupancy
Market & Opinion
Navigating dual occupancy
20 Jun 2024
The rising cost of living and a shortage of affordable housing options have left many South Africans seeking alternative solutions to make homeownership more affordable. One increasingly popular trend is dual occupancy, where homeowners either rent out a portion of their property or co-own a property with a friend or family member.
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