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Sandveld Farm: A Comprehensive Agricultural Property

This 804-hectare property located near Graafwater is ideal for agricultural activities, making it an ideal acquisition for serious farmers or investors in the agricultural sector.

Detailed Features:

Total Area: 804 hectares, meticulously managed to support a variety of agricultural activities.

Water Sources: Boasts 106.67 hectares of water rights (Section 33), ensuring abundant irrigation across the farm. This includes 90 hectares equipped for high-efficiency irrigation, providing optimal water distribution for various crops.

Irrigation Equipment: The farm is equipped with 2 x 10 hectare and 1 x 12 hectare center pivots, supporting precise irrigation practices. This system is complemented by 10 irrigation circles, 8 of which are powered by electricity for enhanced irrigation control, and 2 rely solely on manual irrigation methods.

Cultivation Areas:

Rooibos Tea: 30 hectares dedicated to the cultivation of rooibos tea, a high-demand commodity known for its health benefits and sustainability.

Dryland: 325 hectares dedicated to dryland farming, suitable for a variety of crops depending on seasonal conditions and market demand.

Pasture: 350 hectares of grazing land, offering ample space for livestock and supporting sustainable grazing management.

Lucerne: 22 hectares specifically for lucerne cultivation, essential for livestock feed and soil health.

Residential and Operational Infrastructure:

The farm is not just about the land; it comes with a comfortable main house (197m2) that seamlessly blends with its surroundings, offering modern conveniences in a rural setting. Additional facilities provide a welcoming environment for visitors or potential agri-tourism ventures. The farm has a 1239 m2 standard steel storage and also a 139 m2 brick storage.

Opportunity for Growth:

This property represents a significant opportunity for growth and development in agricultural production, thanks to its extensive size, diversified land use, and irrigation facilities. With its comprehensive infrastructure and strategic location, the farm is ready to meet the demands of the modern farmer or agricultural investor, providing a scalable platform for a variety of agricultural projects.


Sandveld Plaas: 'n Omvattende Landbou-eiendom

Hierdie 804-hektaar eiendom geleë naby Graafwater is ideaal vir landbou aktiwiteite, en maak dit 'n ideale verkryging vir ernstige boere of beleggers in die landbousektor.

Gedetailleerde Kenmerke:

Totale Oppervlakte: 804 hektaar, noukeurig bestuur om 'n verskeidenheid landbou-aktiwiteite te ondersteun.

Waterbronne: Spog met 106.67 hektaar van waterregte (Artikel 33), wat oorvloedige besproeiing oor die plaas verseker. Dit sluit in 90 hektaar toegerus vir hoë-doeltreffendheid besproeiing, wat optimale waterverdeling vir verskeie gewasse bied.

Besproeiingstoerusting: Die plaas is toegerus met 2 x 10 hektaar en 1 x 12 hektaar spilpunte, wat presiese besproeiingspraktyke ondersteun. Hierdie stelsel word aangevul deur 10 besproeiingsirkels, 8 daarvan is aangedryf deur elektrisiteit vir verbeterde besproeiingsbeheer, en 2 staat slegs op handmatige besproeiingsmetodes.


Rooibostee: 30 hektaar toegewy aan die verbouing van rooibostee, 'n hoë-aanvraag kommoditeit bekend vir sy gesondheidsvoordele en volhoubaarheid.

Droëland: 325 hektaar toegewys vir droëlandboerdery, geskik vir 'n verskeidenheid gewasse afhangend van seisoenale toestande en markvraag.

Weiding: 350 hektaar weidingsgrond, wat volop ruimte bied vir vee en volhoubare weidingsbestuur ondersteun.

Lusern: 22 hektaar spesifiek vir lusernverbouing, noodsaaklik vir veevoer en grondgesondheid.

Woon- en Operasionele Infrastruktuur:

Die plaas gaan nie net oor die grond nie; dit kom met 'n gemaklike hoofwoning (197m2) wat naatloos met sy omgewing meng, en bied moderne gemakke in 'n landelike omgewing. Bykomende fasiliteite bied 'n verwelkomende omgewing vir besoekers of potensiële agritoerisme ondernemings. Die plaas het ‘n 1239 m2 standaard staal stoor en ook ‘n 139 m2 baksteen stoor.

Geleentheid vir Groei:

Hierdie eiendom verteenwoordig 'n beduidende geleentheid vir groei en ontwikkeling in landbouproduksie, danksy sy groot omvang, gediversifiseerde grondgebruik, en besproeiingsfasiliteite. Met sy omvattende infrastruktuur en strategiese ligging, is die plaas gereed om die eise van die moderne boer of landboubelegger te ontmoet, en bied 'n skaalbare platform vir 'n verskeidenheid landbouprojekte.

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Listed for sale at R12,600,000
09 Apr 2024
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