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The Rise of Centi-Millionaires in the Ultra-Luxury Real Estate Market
The Rise of Centi-Millionaires in the Ultra-Luxury Real Estate Market
16 Oct 2023
The world of ultra-luxury real estate is on the brink of a remarkable transformation, set to unfold over the next decade. A recently released 2023 Centi-Millionaire Report, in collaboration with wealth and investment migration advisors Henley & Partners and global wealth intelligence firm New World Wealth, reveals intriguing insights into the future of the real estate market for the super-wealthy.
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Second home and semigration buyers are flocking to these small towns
Market & Opinion
Second home and semigration buyers are flocking to these small towns
19 Sep 2023
Local and international buyers are rediscovering South Africa’s beautiful small towns with their often top-quality lifestyle, and locations not too far from bigger towns or cities
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Gen X property buyers - changing the coastal property landscape
Market & Opinion
Gen X property buyers - changing the coastal property landscape
26 Jul 2023
Semigration is changing the shape of coastal towns across the country. These once small, quite seaside towns are beginning to burst at the seams thanks to the trend of remote working that has opened up a world of new possibilities
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No slow-down in semigration to the Cape despite higher interest rates
Market & Opinion
No slow-down in semigration to the Cape despite higher interest rates
13 Jul 2023
The demand from semigration buyers for property across the Cape continues at pace and it is unlikely that semigration to the Cape will lose steam, says Samuel Seeff, chairman of the Seeff Property Group. It may slow down, but only due to buyers being hamstrung by an inability to sell their houses elsewhere in the country.
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