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4 bedroom mixed use for sale in Parys Central

4 Beds
4 Baths
20 Hectare Farm In Parys

This 20 Hectare farm has land to build lifestyle Estate with double storey houses , restaurants , filling station and a private school as it is overlooking a renounced golf course.

not only does this Hectare farm offer 4 by 46 000 litres fuel Tanks on its depot.It is excellent for animal husbandry /dairy farming/Game Farming etc

It has a main 4 bedroom farm house with an electric fence , a swimming pool and 4 other smaller houses offering accomodation to key farm personnel such as the farm manager /accountant etc.

It also comes with an admin office block and a truck workshop .The depot has a wholesale license sold seperately.

Property Type
Mixed Use
Living Area
Property history
Listed for sale at R6,000,000
16 May 2024
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Less than an hour’s drive from Johannesburg, the picturesque town of Parys has become a popular destination for those weekend warriors wishing to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.
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