Zaneeq Osman

More about Zaneeq
"I'm Zaneeq Osman, a specialist in mixed-use buildings, strip malls, blocks of flats, and vacant land in the southern and northern suburbs. While residential sales have been my focus in the past, my focus has shifted to the commercial sector. I'm passionate about real estate and constantly expanding my knowledge to better serve my clients. I'm thrilled to be part of Swindon Property Group's auction division. I chose commercial real estate for its creative possibilities and the joy of seeing clients' ideas come to life. Clients can count on my proactive approach, comprehensive assistance, and dedication to fulfilling their property needs. With my expertise, experience, and commitment, I ensure my clients receive top-notch service throughout their real estate journey."
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Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why Sales Fall Through After Signing an Offer to Purchase
Market & Opinion
Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why Sales Fall Through After Signing an Offer to Purchase
24 Apr 2024
When sellers sign an Offer to Purchase (OTP), they often believe that the sale is secure. However, the reality is that numerous factors can cause a sale to fall through even after the OTP has been signed. Understanding these pitfalls can help sellers navigate the process more effectively and ensure a successful transaction.
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Gautengers and international buyers spent more on luxury homes in Cape Town this year
Market & Opinion
Gautengers and international buyers spent more on luxury homes in Cape Town this year
14 Dec 2023
The luxury property market above R20 million enjoyed another good year, although mostly in Cape Town with Gauteng buyers spending more on super luxury property this year, according to the Seeff Property Group.
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The crucial role of communication between home buyers and real estate agents
Market & Opinion
The crucial role of communication between home buyers and real estate agents
15 Feb 2024
In the realm of real estate, effective communication stands as a cornerstone of successful relationships, especially between prospective home buyers and their real estate agents. A transparent and open communication channel is not just beneficial; it's imperative for agents to fully grasp the desires and needs of their clients.
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Navigating Low Offers: How to Boost Your Property's Appeal
Market & Opinion
Navigating Low Offers: How to Boost Your Property's Appeal
25 Mar 2024
In the dynamic South African real estate market, receiving low offers can be a common challenge for sellers. However, by understanding why you are getting low offers and implementing effective strategies, you can significantly boost your property's appeal and attract higher offers.
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