Sue De Boer

More about Sue
Sue has been with Gaye Cawood Realty for over fourteen years. Her knowledge is extensive and her entire focus is on rentals. Sue knows how to deal with expats from all over the globe, the relocation companies and her local clients. She follows up diligently trying to find them suitable homes for rent. She is very professional and has excellent attention to detail with comprehensive check in and check out procedures. Sue always goes the extra mile to assist her clients. Sue has constant repeat business, the homeowners respect her service and always come back to her. The sales team works very well with Sue and we exchange properties to ensure happy clients! Sue lives in the area and she loves the lifestyle in Fourways Gardens and Dainfern. This comes across strongly when she is assisting clients with their home searches. It is always an advantage if you are dealing with an Agent that lives in the area as they can speak with confidence on their own enjoyment of living in these lifestyle estates.
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Estate Agent Property News Articles
Understanding the ins and outs of a property sales agreement
Understanding the ins and outs of a property sales agreement
19 Feb 2024
In the world of property transactions, one crucial document serves as the cornerstone of the entire process—the property sales agreement. While it may seem intimidating at first, understanding its significance is essential for both buyers and sellers. 
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Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why Sales Fall Through After Signing an Offer to Purchase
Market & Opinion
Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why Sales Fall Through After Signing an Offer to Purchase
24 Apr 2024
When sellers sign an Offer to Purchase (OTP), they often believe that the sale is secure. However, the reality is that numerous factors can cause a sale to fall through even after the OTP has been signed. Understanding these pitfalls can help sellers navigate the process more effectively and ensure a successful transaction.
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Navigating Low Offers: How to Boost Your Property's Appeal
Market & Opinion
Navigating Low Offers: How to Boost Your Property's Appeal
25 Mar 2024
In the dynamic South African real estate market, receiving low offers can be a common challenge for sellers. However, by understanding why you are getting low offers and implementing effective strategies, you can significantly boost your property's appeal and attract higher offers.
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Savvy home buyers can capitalise on the current interest rate cycle
Market & Opinion
Savvy home buyers can capitalise on the current interest rate cycle
18 Apr 2024
Buying the right kind of residential property in the right location and at the right time in an interest rate cycle, are key ingredients for extremely sound investment potential.
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