Carina Claassen

Key Estates / Property Practitioner and Business Broker
More about Carina
Carina Claassen, a dynamic professional with a career spanning over two decades, has established herself as a leading figure in the business brokerage sector, presently holding the position of Managing Director at Graphite Business Brokers (GBB). Her professional journey is marked by resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Initiating her career in the challenging field of logistics, Carina ascended to the role of National Operations Manager for a prominent public company. Unfortunately, her tenure in the freight industry was curtailed by a courageous battle against cancer, showcasing her strength in overcoming adversity. Undaunted by setbacks, Carina pivoted her career towards the Real Estate Industry. During this phase, she assumed senior roles in Accounts, Administration, and Marketing, highlighting her versatility and proficiency across diverse business functions. It was during this time that Carina was sought after by a well-known business brokering firm, marking her entry into the business brokerage sector. Leveraging her extensive experience and outstanding marketing skills, she played a pivotal role in elevating the firm to new heights. Currently steering GBB as its Managing Director, Carina seamlessly transitioned into this role, guiding the company towards success while upholding its core values. Her leadership is characterized by a strategic vision and a hands-on approach to operational excellence. Carina's academic background mirrors the diversity of her professional journey. Armed with a degree in Freight Management, she has pursued various diplomas, encompassing disciplines such as business administration, digital marketing, social media marketing, graphic design, professional photography, bookkeeping, and business management. Evidencing a perpetual quest for knowledge, she is presently immersed in studies focused on Coding and Computer Science, with the goal of achieving an NQF7 qualification in the technology field, specializing in Python coding. Carina Claassen's story is one of resilience, adaptability, and continuous growth. Her journey from logistics to real estate and ultimately to the forefront of business brokerage at GBB exemplifies a professional dedicated to overcoming challenges and driving success in diverse industries.
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Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why Sales Fall Through After Signing an Offer to Purchase
Market & Opinion
Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Why Sales Fall Through After Signing an Offer to Purchase
24 Apr 2024
When sellers sign an Offer to Purchase (OTP), they often believe that the sale is secure. However, the reality is that numerous factors can cause a sale to fall through even after the OTP has been signed. Understanding these pitfalls can help sellers navigate the process more effectively and ensure a successful transaction.
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Navigating Low Offers: How to Boost Your Property's Appeal
Market & Opinion
Navigating Low Offers: How to Boost Your Property's Appeal
25 Mar 2024
In the dynamic South African real estate market, receiving low offers can be a common challenge for sellers. However, by understanding why you are getting low offers and implementing effective strategies, you can significantly boost your property's appeal and attract higher offers.
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Streamline your home buying experience
Market & Opinion
Streamline your home buying experience
18 Mar 2024
Despite what many will have you believe, buying a home shouldn't feel like a daunting task despite the complexities and legalities involved. With careful preparation and consideration of the journey ahead, you can streamline the property-buying experience.
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Sell fast, sell smart - a guide to streamlining your home sale
Market & Opinion
Sell fast, sell smart - a guide to streamlining your home sale
29 Feb 2024
Selling your home can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and a few smart strategies, you can increase your chances of a quick and successful sale. 
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